medicine man

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medicine man

更新时间:2024-06-25 01:27:05

英 [ˈmedisin mæn]

美 [ˈmɛdɪsɪn mæn]

medicine man基本解释



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medicine man是什么意思


1. a Native American shaman


1. 燃烧的天堂:发行时间:1992年 专辑歌手:原声大碟 地区:美国 语言:英语 简介: [燃烧的天堂] (MEDICINE MAN)原声大碟 配乐: JERRY GOLDSMITH 这张原声大碟是JERRY GOLDSMITH的一张经典作品,NEW AGE风格相当浓厚.

2. 飞越绿林(燃烧的天堂):Mean Seasons 血腥风暴 1986 | Medicine Man 飞越绿林(燃烧的天堂) 1992 | Meet Joe Black 第六感生死缘 1998

3. 有法术之人:medicine cabinet 医药箱 | medicine man 有法术之人 | medicine show 药品巡展

  • 近义词
  • 临近词
A traditional medicine-man fills a small barn with herbal smoke, creating an extremely relaxing atmosphere.(一个传统巫医将草药烟雾充满在一个小棚内,制造出一种非常松驰的氛围。)
Jack is re-taken prisoner by Joaquin, an evil medicine man who is the Keeper of the Badlands.(杰克再由华金,一个邪恶的人谁是药品的荒地守护者的俘虏。)
But there was a great medicine man in the neighborhood.(但是,邻近有一位医术高明的人。)
He is a medicine man.(他是个巫医。)
The medicine man is played by Hadi Subiyanto, a flute player the filmmakers found in Jakarta.(这们药师就由哈迪.\n苏比安图扮演,电影制作人在雅加达找到的一位长笛演奏者。)
Edmonds also played Logray, the Ewok medicine man.(埃德蒙兹还扮演了伊渥克族巫师洛格雷。)
I didn't want to worry him, but a few days later I finally rolled up my pants leg on Ketut Liyer's porch, peeled off the yellowing bandage, and showed my wound to the old medicine man.(我不想让赖爷担心,但几天后我终究在他的阳台上卷起裤腿,撕去泛黄的绷带,让老药师看我的伤口。)
Lastly, I was invited by an elderly medicine man to come and live with him in Indonesia.(最后还有,一位老药师邀我去印尼同住。)
An acquaintance of Logray, the Ewok medicine man, Kaink was also skilled in the mystic ways of the forests.(作为伊渥克巫师洛格雷的老朋友,卡茵克也擅长神秘的森林法术。)
Our Yoga teacher had told us in advance that we could each bring one question or problem to the medicine man, and he would try to help us with our troubles.(我们的瑜伽老师事先已告诉我们,每个人可以向药师提一个问题,他会尽力帮我们解决。)
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